Chromium Carbide
Coatings material is a blend (75/25) of very fine particles of chromium carbide and nickel chromium powders. When properly sprayed using the HVOF process, it produces coatings which are very hard, dense and well bonded. Because of its unique combination of properties, HVOF Chromium Carbide is recommended for resistance to wear by fretting, abrasive particles and hard surfaces in the temperature range 540°- 815°C (1000°-1500°F).
HVOF Chromium Carbide coatings are dense (less than 1/2 volume percent porosity) and well bonded (tensile bond strength in excess of 12,000 psi, 83 MPa). These coatings, however, may be best characterized by their high macro and microhardness which translates into excellent high temperature wear resistance.
Plasma Tungsten Carbide
Coatings material is a fine grade tungsten carbide-cobalt aggregate powder forplasma spray. It produces the best coatings for low temperature wear resistance of alltungsten carbide powders. These coatings are recommended for resistance to wear byabrasive grains, hard surfaces, fretting and particle erosion.
Aluminum Bronze
Coatings material is a fine grade aluminum bronze powder. When sprayed with the HVOF process, dense, high bond strength coatings are produced. These deposits can be readily machined, milled, drilled/tapped or otherwise finished. This unique set of physical properties makes Aluminum Bronze ideally suited to restoration of worn or mis- machined non-ferrous components. This coating is recommended for soft bearing applications and to resist wear by fretting, hard surfaces and cavitation.
HVOF Sprayed Aluminum Bronze coatings are harder and exhibit a higher tensile bond strength than standard aluminum bronze deposits. The as-sprayed surface finish is also finer than comparable standards. These data reflect the higher coating density, improved bonding and superior coating integrity which results from the HVOF process.