TSS, Thermal Spray Services offered for Hydraulics

Mechanical components in the hydraulic industry suffer extreme abrasive wear and corrosion under great environmental pressures and continuous usage. Thermal spray coatings are used as a hard chrome replacement and designed specifically for use on hydraulic piston rods.
TSS has developed a range of advanced hard chrome alternative technology coating systems for the protection of hydraulic cylinders operating in severe operating environments, based on advanced robotic HVOF and plasma thermal spray coatings.
A further key advantage of our coating system is the ability to refurbish damaged cylinders. Because much thicker coatings are possible with thermal spray, hydraulic cylinders with local pitting or impact damage, or cylinders that are undersize can be refurbished without having to replace the cylinder.
Solutions for wear and corrosion on hydraulic systems

Operating conditions where chrome plated coatings have been found wanting include hydraulic systems in harbour and ship systems (on-deck, splash zone and submerged), offshore platforms, dredges and marine mining systems and hydraulic equipment exposed to aggressive chemicals in chemical, petrochemical, steel plants.
These coatings are generally advanced nickel or cobalt based ceramic-metal composite alloys, although pure ceramic coatings are sometimes used. TSS makes used of advanced diamond-abrasive finishing technologies to ensure that the coatings are finished to the appropriate surface finish compatible with hydraulic seals.
TSS s.r.l is unique in its ability to work with its customers and provide them with a custom engineered solution for their specific surface engineering requirements.
Due to our vast 30 years experience in the field of thermal spray coatings as well as the capabilities of our laboratory facilities, engineering department, and machining facilities, TSS s.r.l is highly capable of assisting you in any phase of thermal spray coatings.